Barcode your Business Reply Mail

  The Post Office has one particular requirement that I see is overlooked a great deal. Here is an excerpt from the rule as printed in the current Domestic Mail Mannual: 3.17 Enclosed Reply Cards and Envelopes 3.17.1 Basic Standard All letter-size reply cards and envelopes (business reply mail (BRM), courtesy reply mail (CRM), and meter [...]

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  Many businesses are turning to postcards as their first choice when considering media for their marketing campaigns. Postcards can be a valuable resource for the budget minded during an economic downturn where every dollar spent is important. Many printers, both local and online, have recognized this and are now offering beautiful four color, glossy [...]

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Money Saving Tips to Help Boost Direct Mail Profitability

  In direct mail marketing, there are three main leverage points to increase profits: improve the response rate, increase the sales price of the item, or decrease costs. While you can certainly take steps to tackle response rates and price testing may not be a bad idea, decreasing costs is perhaps the easiest to tackle. [...]

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