Email and Fax Blasting:

by Gino


Here are a few things that you may want to consider before choosing Email or Fax Blasting for your advertising alternative to Direct Mail.

If you are like me you are fed up with all the email spam that requires your attention daily. Sorting through all these bogus messages can take time, potentially harm your computer and cause frustration. Many people use spam filters that are designed to “hopefully” sequester unwanted emails leaving only desirable ones in your inbox. I don’t know about your system but I seem to have a great deal of crossover, valid emails in my spam folder as well as spam in my inbox. On occasion I have been known to accidentally erase an important email in my rush to delete all the daily spam. I’ve been tricked into opening emails that have caused damage, wasted my time and allow spammers to “tag” my system with cookies. It gets to be such an inconvenience that many solicitation emails that I would normally review get lumped into the mix of spam and deleted daily.

Blast Faxing can create its own set of issues as well. I don’t want companies sending me a stream of faxes, many times the same ones over and over, tying up my phone line and using up my printer’s ink. I feel that a fax machine is a great tool when you need to send or receive documents to knowing business acquaintances but I rarely give more than a glance to unsolicited faxes.

Are these advertising tools a good way to market your company, in my opinion, no? I feel that the stage has already been set for a negative response long before the email or fax is received, if it’s received at all. A well constructed direct mail piece being laid in your potential customers hands at the time of their choosing allows for a better visual and tactile approach to getting your message across.

Want to know how to create a winning direct mail campaign that won’t break your bank?

Click here to receive our consumer guide: 12 Ways To Avoid Paying More Than You Have To For Direct Mail. Inside you’ll learn the key mistakes to avoid when developing a direct mail campaign, the key element that can make or break your direct mail offering, plus you will be eligible to receive a special discount as a first-time customer! Get your free direct mail guide today!


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